Botox in East Sheen: how to enhance your appearance


At Alexis Zander, we have a range of dental treatments to help you achieve a beautiful smile. However, we realise that sometimes you may also want to look fresh-faced to set off that smile, as well. Alexis Zander is a highly experienced dentist knowledgeable in facial anatomy and, therefore, highly skilled at delivering facial aesthetic treatments like Botox in East Sheen and dermal fillers. The decision to proceed with one of these treatments will depend on your specific needs, and we can discuss this during the initial consultation, where we can establish your goals and explore the treatment options together to devise a plan that suits you best. Getting a beautiful smile with a dentist makes perfect sense for your overall facial appearance: we can help your smile and your face in one place.


Anti-wrinkle treatment is another name given to Botox in East Sheen. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and begins to wrinkle; this is a natural process, but it can be accelerated by factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and stress. There are several treatments available to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, including anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers.

Anti-wrinkle injections

Anti-wrinkle injections, also known as Botox in East Sheen, are a type of treatment that uses botulinum toxin type A to relax the muscles in the face. This is FDA-approved and derived from non-animal sources. It can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by preventing the muscles from contracting and allowing the skin to relax. Anti-wrinkle injections are most commonly used to treat wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth. The treatment only takes minutes to administer, and you should see the results within 7 to 14 days post-treatment.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers use a gel-like substance to plump up the skin, known as hyaluronic acid gel, which mimics the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is produced by the body to give the skin its elasticity, but over time its production starts to wane. The dermal fillers can help to fill in wrinkles and restore lost volume. Dermal fillers are most commonly used to treat wrinkles around the lips, cheeks, and nose and can also be used as lip fillers and for neck, face and hand contouring.

Which treatment should I choose?

Both anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are effective treatments for wrinkles. However, there are some key differences between the two treatments.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a temporary treatment, meaning that the effects will eventually wear off. The length of time that the effects last will vary depending on the individual, but it is typically around 3 to 6 months. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are a more permanent treatment. The effects can last up to 6 to 12 months, but they will eventually need to be topped up.

Anti-wrinkle injections require injections into the muscles of the face. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are injected into the skin itself. Neither treatment should cause any pain, and they don’t require downtime following the procedure. You will be given local anaesthesia while you are having your dermal fillers, but this isn’t considered necessary with anti-wrinkle injections.

So, which treatment is right for you? It depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a temporary treatment that is relatively inexpensive, then anti-wrinkle injections may be a good option. If you are looking for a more long-lasting treatment that can provide a more dramatic result that you can see instantly, then dermal fillers may be a better choice.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which treatment is right for you is to discuss your requirements with us, and we will happily explore the treatment options with you to rejuvenate your face!